Join ENVP Molly Kroeker and guests will be highlighting the various options Arbonne provides to support gut health within the 30 Day Program and beyond.
Sample Invite Wording (30 Dayers) - Hi, Sam! A huge benefit of participating in this program is the support you’re giving your gut health. How important and interrelated to all our health blows me away every time I hear about it. Would you be able to pop on to hear more specifics and possible solutions for post program as well? Otherwise, is the recording a better option?
Sample Invite (Non 30 Dayers) - Hi, Sam! Im leading a group through a clean eating and gut reset program and there is an amazing call on Wednesday for them, but I thought specifically of you because ________ and wanted to invite you to sit in. How important and interrelated gut health is to all our health blows me away every time I hear about it. Would you be able to pop on live to hear more? Otherwise, is the recording a better option?
5:30 P PST | 6:30P MST | 7:30P CST | 8:30P EST
Zoom: 977 856 2866
Password: ARBONNE